Wednesday, December 15, 2010

5 readers win a copy of "How To Get Organized in 24 Hours!" Giveaway Template

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Post Title: 5 readers win a copy of 
"How To Get Organized in 24 Hours!"

Saidah's eWorkbook, How to Get Organized in 24 Hours takes you step by step through the process to get organized. You'll work while you read! By the time you finish going through the workbook you are organized, you have a plan in place, and you know exactly what to do next. Saidah's eWorkbook also includes steps to help you figure out a plan to delegate age appropriate tasks to your child(ren)!
With a new year upon us what better time to get organized? Let's get organized NOW so we can be prepared and enjoy life instead of being overwhelmed by it. Saidah is giving away a 5 copies of her eWorkbook, How to Get Organized in 24 Hours until Monday, January 10th at 6:00pm EST and you can enter for a chance to win too.